Hope thru Soap
Optimus Industries is proud to support Hope thru Soap
Hope thru Soap provides a mobile shower experience to the less fortunate and homeless in Atlanta. They provide showers, haircuts, clothing and food in different parts of the city, targeting homeless or poverty-stricken individuals and families. Hope thru Soap brings not only the basic needs of showers/hygiene, clothing and food, but along with it a “block party” that gives their guests a sense of dignity. The OI shower trailer is equipped with three separate private showers with temperature-controlled water, heat and air conditioning. Guests are given a hygiene bag and towel. A mobile closet bus also provides men’s, women’s and children’s clothing sorted by size for them to choose from. Socks, underwear and shoes are also provided. In the back of the bus is a barber chair, where guests can receive a shave and haircut. They also host a cook out, complete with music and a “block party” atmosphere. Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, desserts and drinks are typically on the menu. Guests are treated with respect and love while given the chance to freshen up, get clean, enjoy a hot meal and hopefully have a little fun.
Please click on their link for more information regarding Hope thru Soap including how to help or get involved.